A new Story

Created by jennie 11 years ago
On May 8th 2012 at 6pm i got my very last hug from you sammy, and you told me that you loved me. I will never forget that moment, its something that i will cherish forever. And i promise you that every year on that same date and time, i will stop whatever I am doing. And have a moment of silence and think only of you. Its something i can do cause i need to remember you, my twin brother. I feel so empty inside, and my life will never be the same. I am gonna miss you forever,a part of me is gone.I need to go on, I know that you would want me to. I promise that i will love life as you did,I promise that i will love family as you did,I promise to be a good,kind and caring person as you were. I keep calling up north,expecting you to pick up the phone so i can hear your voice.I love you so much sammy love always your twin sister pam